Kia like Classical rhythm , because it is the music that makes the mind. Comfortable listening ear. Listen and feel the fresh air to clear everything, thinking things out don't easily.
Wite like Pop rhthm , because it is the music that Listen to music and feel cheerful pop it would feel like on the inside , which is not limited to instruments wash much.
Puang like Rock rhthm , because this is a widespread issue quite a lot and also has branched into other genres of music over Sub Culture Rock. A genre that sounds like a pulsating excitement hottest
looks like a move to shift all the time.
Tonpeung like hip-hop rhthm , because Make people feel like dancing virtually identical. But only because they will not listen to Hip-Hop and Techno mood, you will gain access to really just moving the limbs rhythm a little only. Hip-Hop Sound Effect is most often used in musical instruments. But what really is the emphasis on Hip-Hop. Tone and vocals of the singer itself. Who will sing the words rhyme and rhythm, as well as meat.