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Today is a day about making the fashion industry better.
The events in Rana Plaza, Bangladesh on the 24th April 2013 were a tragic reminder that when the fashion industry fails or doesn’t work in a sustainable way, the consequences are far-reaching and dreadful. So what needs to change to make the fashion industry work for the people in it? We asked 30 of our emerging designers, “What is the problem with fashion today”?
Bellaobastian, BoråsClearly,
It is not a healthy industry, in terms of economic profit, social (and beauty) ideals, or environmental affection. The ‘look’ is one thing, but responsibility and irmprovement of these aspects have to be included in all industries. Within fashion, these aspects are ignored or work in extreme ways. Since we are not able to produce and distribute fashion without exploiting less fortunate countries and people (also including the great number of interns and assistants working for free in head offices worldwide), the fashion industry is failing to be a profitable and fair business.
Byungmun Seo, London
I think nowadays there is a lack of diversity. Fashion has become more commercial than ever before and it is saturated with pre-existing designers and brands. The budget to manage a fashion business has increased as fashion markets have grown exponentially, and it is becoming more difficult for new brands and emerging designers to survive in the current fashion market. As a result, we are losing out on the opportunity to see up-and-coming, new brands and designers, and it also incurs a loss of diversity in fashion.