When I was twelve, my parents moved out of London to a small village near Oxford. I was the only Asian girl in my school and I suddenly felt a bit lonely. I became a typical difficult teenager - I hated school and I thought all the would was against me. But two important things happened. I realised that being funny was the best way to make friends. Perhaps if we'd stayed in London I would never have learned how to bee funny And then I had a brilliant Art teacher, Mrs York, who encouraged me to go to Are College. I would probably have left school as early as possible, if I hadn't met her.
However on the day of my college interview in bate,I woke up late. I left the house wearing two odd shoes and didn't notice that my bottle of chocolate milk had spilled all over the paintings in my bag. then when I finally got to the station I got on the wrong train Who knows... if I had gone to Bath that day I might have become a professional artist. But I went to Swindon instead I told the woman next to me on the train about what had happened and she sat and cried with laughter. It turned out she was the producer of a comedy programme on the radio. To cut a long story short, I got an invitation a week later to attend an audition for the show... and the rest,as they say, is history I'm very lucky-my life has been full of happy accidents
Pamene ndinali khumi, makolo anga anasamukira mu London ku mudzi waung'ono pafupi Oxford. Ndinali ndekha Asia msungwana wanga sukulu ndi Mwadzidzidzi ndinaona pang'ono osungulumwa. Ndinakhala lililonse zovuta wachinyamata - ndinkadana sukulu ndipo ine ndinaganiza onse adzatero anali motsutsana nane. Koma zinthu ziwiri zofunikira kwambiri chinachitika. Ndinazindikira kuti kukhala zoseketsa inali njira yabwino kupeza anzawo. Mwina ngati ife akanakhala mu London sindikanakwanitsa anaphunzira njuchi oseketsa Ndiyeno ine ndinali ndi wanzeru Art mphunzitsi, Akazi York, amene anandilimbikitsa kupita Kodi College. Ine mwina sukulu mwamsanga, ndikanapanda anakumana ndi mayiyu.
Koma pa tsiku langa koleji kuyankhulana mu bate, ndinadzuka mochedwa. Ndinachoka nyumba atavala awiri wosamvetseka nsapato ndipo sanadziwe kuti wanga botolo la mkaka chokoleti anali kukhetsedwa lonse zojambula m'chikwama changa. Ndiyeno pamene ine potsiriza ku siteshoni ine ndinafika pa choipa sitima ndani akudziwa ... ngati ndapita ku Bati tsiku limenelo ine mwina kukhala katswiri wojambula. Koma ndinapita ku Swindon m'malo ndinauza mkazi pafupi nane pa sitima za zimene zinachitika ndipo iye anakhala ndi adafuwula ndi kuseka. Anamuuza iye anali limapanga ndi sewero lanthabwala pulogalamu pa wailesi. Kudula yaitali nkhani yochepa, ine ndiri ndi pempho patapita mlungu umodzi kupita kukambirana kwa bwanji ... ndi ena, monga iwo amati, ndi mbiri ine ndiri mwayi-moyo wanga lili ndi wosangalala ngozi
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