Firstly, based on your English level in reflective journals and the exam, I find it very hard to believe that you wrote this email. Secondly you should have at least attempted to make some of this clear to me during or after that class (you could have easily asked one of the other students or a teacher to translate for you).
I sent my email on that very day (friday the 4th)!! So you had an entire week to reply to me and tell me what was going on, you did not do that!!
In any case, your grade at this time is the lowest in the class, in order to get a D grade you would have to get an A grade for your final exam and based on your lack of attendance and low midterm score this seems highly unlikely (only one student has manged to get an A).
At this point I only have your word that you went to china (in class you said you would go home) I find this whole thing highly questionable. I can do nothing about it now, in any case, as I am leaving the country and submitting the grades today. I'm afraid that for these reasons you have failed this class.
Ajarn Will