Musculoskeletal disorders were presented as increas-ing burden in several societies. Health policy makers and other professionals search for finding suitable national preventive programs for musculoskeletal
disorders reporting and prevention;1,2 Repetitive tasks and awkward position are known as work related fac-tors and age, gender and psychological characters are known as worker related risk factors of musculoskele-tal disorders among workers.3-7
In developing countries, workplace related disor-ders caused several problems.3 In the general view,musculoskeletal disorders have great impacts on in-dustries and society more than workers themselves. Some previous studies assessed the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among Iranian workers in some industries;8-11and as example, we can note to Alipour et al. study on more than 14,000 workers of Iranian automobile factory.8
Steel factories are basic industries in each country and this importance is increasing in developing coun-tries such as Iran. Workers in these companies are directly involved in production process and physical activities such as manual material handling and awk-ward postures are very common.
The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among workers followed two main purposes: Detecting mus-culoskeletal disorders’ prevalence rate and finding causative and other relative factors which had impact on this rate. The present study was performed for evaluation of the musculoskeletal disorders prevalence associated risk factors among Iranian steel workers.