Hello Honey,
There is something that come up which might need my urgency to travel down to Asia, in precise Malaysia. This is all about my late father was a contractor before he died; he did a contract with the Sabah Government in Malaysia on Estate Development. This involves building of shopping malls, and condos in several parts of Sabah.
The contract was awarded to my late father through the contract award committee in Sabah and he executed the contract with the locals. Foreign contractor cannot get a direct contract with the Government without involving the locals and that’s why he got it through the Local Contract Award Committees.
After awarding the contract, the Sabah Government released 80% of the whole money to him as mobilization fee to start the contract. My late father executed the contract and died immediately he finishes the contract six years ago.
Through prayers and series of petition sent to the Sabah Government via my late father’s lawyer, the Government has informed the next of kin to come over for the balance payment.
The balance payment of the contract is Ten Million United State of American Dollars.
My late father lawyer just received the letter from the Sabah Government regarding the payment this morning and asked me to there as the next of kin.
I have never been to Asia before and this is my first time of involving me in a big issue like this, as I am an alien in financial matters. My late father’s lawyer said that he will be going there with me, as he has worked in London for years, work also in Singapore I will be living on Tomorrow so i will be in south East Asia I have called the Airline to change my ticket for me and I hope that I can finish the transaction before 2 working days, and then I will buy a ticket to come and spend some time with you and your family, It will be a great pleasure for us to spend time with each other, and then plan our future marriage. so after staying with you,
Honey, you know that I don’t like my personal things to be discussed. I want it to be between me and you and I don’t want a third party to know about my trip in Malaysia. I did not tell any of my friends why I am going to Malaysia. I only tell those whom I believe that it pertains them to know and you are included because you are my darling wife. I just need your support and encouragement.
Do keep in touch and lots of love.