But once development and change occurred, it will inevitably lead to conflict of various types. Industrial development leading to change in the in the economy will bring about a new mode of production which will lead to economic conflict. There may be scramble for water between agriculturists and industrialists. There could be conflict between owners of the means of production or factory owners and workers over wages.
Firms may be in fierce competition for market share. There would be demands for a more open political system in which the people can participate in the decision process. Demands for a fair share in wealth, status and power can be on the agenda of political demands from those who are now politically conscious. The list can go on. In this regard, one can say that whenever there is development which will lead to change, there will inevitable conflicts. Conflicts are to be expected in a society which has undergone changes due to the development process. Indeed, it is observed that industrial development will lead to conflict between industrialists and environmental protectors.
But the fact is pollution is part of development. When industries have sprung up, the environment no matter how hard one may try to curb the negative impact will have some degree of pollution. Environmental problems are signs of development, so goes the saying. The same is true for inflation. A developing economy will be followed by inflation due to the volume of money involved and the increase in spending by those who have earned more income.