19 I can’t help but see animals and/or plants in terms of adaptation and/or natural selection now.
Experiential Value Items
20 During science class, I think the stuff we are learning about adaptation and/or natural selection is interesting.
21 I find it interesting in class when we talk about animals and/or plants in terms of adaptation and/or natural selection.
22 The ideas of adaptation and/or natural selection are useful for me to learn for my future studies or work.a
23 I think adaptation and/or natural selection is an interesting topic.
24 The ideas of adaptation and/or natural selection help me to better understand the world of plants and animals.
25 The ideas of adaptation and/or natural selection make animals and plants much more interesting.
26 Knowledge of adaptation and/or natural selection is useful in my current, everyday life.
27 I’m interested when I hear things about adaptation and/or natural selection outside of school.
28 I find that the ideas of adaptation and/or natural selection make my current, out-of-school experience more meaningful and interesting.
29 I find it exciting to think about adaptation and/or natural selection outside of school.