The moisture ratio as function of drying time curves were drawn in statgraphics software for data at 40, 50 and
60 °C by using Page’s model Eq. (3). Table 1 shows the statistical results undertaken by Page’s model. The criteria
for goodness fit of the model was as higher the coefficient of determination (R2) and lowest reduced chi-square (χ2)
values. Comparison of R2 and χ2 for all three temperatures showed that the Page’s model and oven drying at 50 °C
gave better fit than other levels of temperatures. For moringa leaves the proposed model for all drying temperatures
gave R2 and χ2 values ≥ 0.998 and ≤ 0.0008 respectively. It is also revealed that the value of drying constant “k and
y” increased as increase in temperature. This means that the drying curves become steeper as temperature increase