How are you? I’m fine.
I hope everything is going well with you.
MFTBC must reinforce KD local parts quality according to the request of MFTBC top management from this year.
I’m planning to implement process & product audit at local supplier with supplier management of KD plant and MFTBC Supplier Management Dept.
The KD plant with 25% or more local parts is the target. TCMA have 27% local parts in MDT.
I’m planning to implement product and process audit at TCMA again in this year and at the same time I would like to join local supplier audit with TCMA Supplier Management.
This is almost the same activities as last year. The difference is that the lead of the audit is TCMA not MFTBC. MFTBC will check the activities of TCMA audit for the local supplier.
We visited SAB,SATC, SBM last year. Are these supplier convenient for us? Are there any other supplier? When are you planning to visit?
If we visit the same supplier, Kanai-san will join as same as last year.
If possible, I would like to visit in July because I’m planning to visit Vietnam in July.
But I can follow your schedule