How stressful is Thanksgiving? Let us count the ways. There’s deciding what to cook for your loved ones, introducing new significant others to family members, and dealing with whatever food- and weight-related anxiety the feast may provoke for you.
In spite of those pressures, there are fortunately plenty enjoyable aspects of the holiday. One that doesn’t get talked about as much among women is how amazing Thanksgiving is for female football fans. A whole day off from work to watch your favorite teams battle it out, surrounded by the family that made you a fan in the first place? Now there’s something to be grateful for.
Maybe your family is relatively restrained about it — one or two people wear jerseys, you stop to watch plays between setting the table, refilling drinks and carving the turkey. Or maybe your clan goes all out; maybe there are war cries, and someone upsets a serving dish. Regardless, women are usually more into it than any beer commercial suggests. This year, let’s make that known.
Do you watch football on Thanksgiving? If so, Instagram a photo of yourself in front of the TV, tag it #hpwfootball and tell us in a comment what it indicates about you. As your photos come in, we’ll feature them on the site below.