Unlimited Health: This will give you 100% kissing bonus ฑ
ฑ and make you invulnerable! Refrain ฑ
ฑ from using this option during boxing ฑ
ฑ matches. ฑ
ฑ ฑ
ฑ 2) Unlimited Partner's Health: This will make your partner ฑ
ฑ (Whom you need to protect/ ฑ
ฑ Is your backup) invulnerable. ฑ
ฑ ฑ
ฑ 3) One Hit Kill: With this you will be able to kill ฑ
ฑ anyone with just one hit! Even sprinting ฑ
ฑ towards them works. ฑ
ฑ ฑ
ฑ 4) No Wanted Level: This will protect you from getting ฑ
ฑ busted by prefects/cops when you commit ฑ
ฑ any kind of felony. You can still get ฑ
ฑ busted by adults though! ฑ
ฑ ฑ
ฑ 5) Unlimited Ammo: This will reduce you ammo count to 1, but ฑ
ฑ it will never let it run out. ฑ
ฑ ฑ
ฑ 6) Unlimited Money: You'll always have $999999. ฑ
ฑ ฑ
ฑ 7) Unlimited Gifts: You'll never run out of roses and ฑ
ฑ chocolates. ฑ
ฑ ฑ
ฑ 8) Unlimited Prize Tickets: You'll always have 9999 prize ฑ
ฑ tickets for use at the carnival. ฑ
ฑ ฑ
ฑ 9) Freeze Clock: This will freeze your clock at its current ฑ
ฑ time. Useful for not missing classes. ฑ
ฑ ฑ
ฑ 10) Unlimited Class Time: You'll always have 99 minutes ฑ
ฑ left in your English, Biology ฑ
ฑ Maths and Geography classes. ฑ
ฑ ฑ
ฑ 11) Save Position: This will save your position in the ฑ
ฑ current area. ฑ
ฑ ฑ
ฑ Load Position: This will load your previously saved ฑ
ฑ position in the current area. Do not ฑ
ฑ use it if you enter rooms and have ฑ
ฑ previously saved your position when ฑ
ฑ outside. ฑ
ฑ ฑ
ฑ 12) Super Jump: This will immediately propel you 20 feet ฑ
ฑ high in the air. I have made sure that you ฑ
ฑ combine this with unlimited health as ฑ
ฑ without it you'll die when you hit the ฑ
ฑ ground. So if you have that option ฑ
ฑ deactivated, this option will not function. ฑ
ฑ ฑ