Abstract — This paper will explore relevant research which
documents that a learning style approach in the classroom
can lead to enhanced learning gains. Particular emphasis
will be placed on the Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Model.
The basic tenets of this learning style model will be
highlighted. The Dunn and Dunn model forms the basis of
the Productivity Environmental Survey (PEPS) which is a
valid and reliable learning style instrument. The PEPS is
currently being used as a research tool within the
introductory physics course for non-majors at American
University. Two teaching approaches which have been
developed based on a learning style approach will be shared.
These approaches include the use of writing as well as
interactive on-line discussions using Blackboard
technologies. Ideas for effective adaptation of these
approaches by educators in other branches of science, as
well as mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET)
education will be discussed.
Index terms — Learning style, writing, assessment, student
learning, on-line discussions.
Abstract — This paper will explore relevant research whichdocuments that a learning style approach in the classroomcan lead to enhanced learning gains. Particular emphasiswill be placed on the Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Model.The basic tenets of this learning style model will behighlighted. The Dunn and Dunn model forms the basis ofthe Productivity Environmental Survey (PEPS) which is avalid and reliable learning style instrument. The PEPS iscurrently being used as a research tool within theintroductory physics course for non-majors at AmericanUniversity. Two teaching approaches which have beendeveloped based on a learning style approach will be shared.These approaches include the use of writing as well asinteractive on-line discussions using Blackboardtechnologies. Ideas for effective adaptation of theseapproaches by educators in other branches of science, aswell as mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET)education will be discussed.Index terms — Learning style, writing, assessment, studentlearning, on-line discussions.INTRODUCTION
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