Consistent with the national policy of sustainable agriculture promotion, the Government of Thailand has
implemented organic vegetable farming (OVF) pilot projects in several provinces. This study analyzed the
level of adoption and extent of OVF at farm household level in Mahasarakham Province based on
information collected from 172 sample vegetable farmers. The results have indicated that slightly more
than half of the sample farmers were growing organic vegetables, although the extent of the area under
organic vegetables varied from one farm household to another. The result of the Logistic Regression
analysis performed to find out the factors that determine the adoption of OVF, found significant influence
of several factors including women’s leading role in OVF, motivation by GOs and NGOs, motivation by
community members and farmers’ groups, attendance in training, satisfaction with the price of organic
vegetables, and the intensity of pest hazard. Moreover, the Linear Regression analysis carried out to
explore the determinants of the extent of OVF at farm household level revealed three significantly
influencing factors, namely: the amount of organic fertilizers such as farm yard manure and compost
produced by farmers themselves, perception of the harmful effect of inorganic pesticides and the length
of experience in growing vegetables. Explanations are provided for the role of these factors in the level of
adoption and extent of OVF, and broad policy instruments conducive to the promotion of OVF in an
effective way, are suggested.
Consistent with the national policy of sustainable agriculture promotion, the Government of Thailand hasimplemented organic vegetable farming (OVF) pilot projects in several provinces. This study analyzed thelevel of adoption and extent of OVF at farm household level in Mahasarakham Province based oninformation collected from 172 sample vegetable farmers. The results have indicated that slightly morethan half of the sample farmers were growing organic vegetables, although the extent of the area underorganic vegetables varied from one farm household to another. The result of the Logistic Regressionanalysis performed to find out the factors that determine the adoption of OVF, found significant influenceof several factors including women’s leading role in OVF, motivation by GOs and NGOs, motivation bycommunity members and farmers’ groups, attendance in training, satisfaction with the price of organicvegetables, and the intensity of pest hazard. Moreover, the Linear Regression analysis carried out toexplore the determinants of the extent of OVF at farm household level revealed three significantlyinfluencing factors, namely: the amount of organic fertilizers such as farm yard manure and compostproduced by farmers themselves, perception of the harmful effect of inorganic pesticides and the lengthof experience in growing vegetables. Explanations are provided for the role of these factors in the level ofadoption and extent of OVF, and broad policy instruments conducive to the promotion of OVF in an
effective way, are suggested.
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