Dengue mosquitoes may bite at any time of the day, unlike the malaria mosquitoes (Anopheles) which generally bite at night time. This means that mosquito nets aren’t going to curb infection. One possible solution is the use of insecticidal aerosols which are dispensed across infested areas, but this reactive response is far from ideal because the chemicals can persist in the environment and cause problems, and non-target species will undoubtedly also be affected. Resistance also often develops over time, rendering the chemicals useless.
Another way to control mosquitoes is the environmentally benign Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). This initially involved blasting mosquitoes with radiation in order to induce sterility, but this often damages the insects, meaning that many won’t go on to mate when released. While this may be an option for other, larger insects, it has proved for mosquitoes.