There is a gap from previous studies that most of them are concern the relationship between corporate cash holding, earnings management and corporate governance in high shareholders protection countries such as United State and United Kingdom. However in low shareholders protection environment, the conflict of interest problem might be severe and has significant impact to shareholders, who want to maximize their own wealth. The manipulation of financial statements might becomes more serious for concerning, too, because low shareholders rights give high opportunities for manager for earnings management and investors will perceive wrong firms’ information to evaluate firms’ performance. As a result, I choose Thailand as the sample to investigate the relationships of corporate cash holding, earnings management and corporate governance. Not only Thailand is indicated as has low shareholder protection (Dittmar et al., 2003) but Thailand also faced crisis due to the lack of high standard in corporate governance (Tom Yum Kung crisis in 1997). Moreover, the previous studies of the relationship corporate cash holding and corporate governance show conflict results when using different samples. Hence, investigate using Thai listed companies is essential to find the conclusion of this relationship in Thailand.
There is a gap from previous studies that most of them are concern the relationship between corporate cash holding, earnings management and corporate governance in high shareholders protection countries such as United State and United Kingdom. However in low shareholders protection environment, the conflict of interest problem might be severe and has significant impact to shareholders, who want to maximize their own wealth. The manipulation of financial statements might becomes more serious for concerning, too, because low shareholders rights give high opportunities for manager for earnings management and investors will perceive wrong firms’ information to evaluate firms’ performance. As a result, I choose Thailand as the sample to investigate the relationships of corporate cash holding, earnings management and corporate governance. Not only Thailand is indicated as has low shareholder protection (Dittmar et al., 2003) but Thailand also faced crisis due to the lack of high standard in corporate governance (Tom Yum Kung crisis in 1997). Moreover, the previous studies of the relationship corporate cash holding and corporate governance show conflict results when using different samples. Hence, investigate using Thai listed companies is essential to find the conclusion of this relationship in Thailand.
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