Vegetable production can be adopted as a strategy for improving livelihood and alleviating the nutritional status of the people. It is the answer to the perpetual problems of hunger and malnutrition in the country. Since in Nigeria, a lot of children suffer from vitamin “A” deficiency, a nutritional problem that can be reduced by regularly eating fruit and green leafy vegetables (South Pacific Foods, 1995).
Tomato is one of the most important vegetable crops
grown all over Nigeria. It is the world’s largest vegetable crop after potato and sweet potato but it tops the list of canned vegetables. In Nigeria, tomato is regarded as the most important vegetable after onions and pepper (Fawusi, 1978). It is an important condiment in most diets and a very cheap source of vitamins. It also contains a large quantity of water (%), calcium (%) and Niacin all of which are of great importance in the metabolic activities of man. Tomato is a good source of vitamins A, C and E