The dichotomously branched rhizine (Fig.2a) is found in the two genus of Parmeliaceae, such as Hypotrachyna and Parmeliopsis The simple rhizine is presented in Bulbothrix (Fig. 2b),Canoparmelia, and Parmotrema etc Cilia are short hair or fibrilar outgrowths from the margin of thallus It is important character to distinguish the generic and species levels Position of cilia mainly occurs along the margins of lobe Parmelinella chozoubae and P.wallichiana were characterized by cilia at the axils of lobe Cilium of foliose lichens in Parmeliaceae composes of two types: simple cilia and bulbate cilia.The simple cilia is presented in Parmelinella,Parmelinopsis, Parmotrema,and Rimelia (Figure 3a) The bulbate cilia is diagnostic character of Bulbothrix and Relicina (Fig. 3b)