Professional Pilot Specialization
Students in this specialization are subject to Embry-Riddle Flight Regulations and Procedures.
MSA Core Requirements
Required Course
MSA 662 Statistical Analysis for Aviation/Aerospace 3
MSA 670 Research Methods in Aviation/Aerospace 3
Core Courses
Select two of the following: 6
MSA 602
The Air Transportation System
MSA 604
Human Factors in the Aviation/Aerospace Industry
MSA 606
Aviation/Aerospace Communications/Control Systems
Specialization Requirement
MSA 509 Advanced Aerodynamics 3
MSA 510 Advanced Aircraft Performance 3
MSA 516 Applications in Crew Resource Management 3
MSA 671 Professional Flight Crew Techniques and Procedures 3
MSA 620 Air Carrier Operations 3
or MSA 622 Corporate Aviation Operations
Select one of the following options: 9
Option I
MSA 691
Graduate Capstone Research Project
MSA/BA Electives (500-600 Level)
Option II
MSA/BA Electives (500-600 Level)
MSA 700
Option III
MSA/BA Electives (500-600 Level)
MSA 696
Graduate Internship in Aeronautical Science
MSA 699
Special Topics in Aeronautical Science
Total Hours 36
Open Electives Options
MSA 515 Aviation/Aerospace Simulation Systems 3
MSA 517 Advanced Meteorology 3
MSA 608 Aviation/Aerospace Accident Investigation and Safety Systems 3
MSA 611 Aviation/Aerospace System Safety 3
MSA 613 Airport Operations Safety 3
Required Undergraduate FAA Certification*
AS 121 Private Pilot Operations 5
AS 221 Instrument Pilot Operations 3
AS 321 Commercial Pilot Operations 3
Select one of the following tracks: 4
Single Engine Flight Track **
FA 121
Private Single Flight
FA 221
Instrument Single Flight
FA 321
Commercial Single Flight
FA 323
Commercial Multi Add On
Multi Engine Flight Track **
FA 121
Private Single Flight
FA 122
Private Multi Flight with Laboratory
FA 222
Instrument Multi Flight
FA 322
Commercial Multi Flight
May be completed concurrently with MSA course work
Students may take MSA 521/MSA 532/MSA 543 in conjunction with the required undergraduate FAA certification courses. Please see Program Coordinator for permission.
See the Awarding Advanced Standing section in the University Academic Regulations and Procedures and the Aeronautical Science Notes under the Aeronautical Science degree sections of this catalog for information pertaining to these courses and the awarding of credit for previously earned FAA certificates, and an explanation of the single-engine and multi-engine flight tracks.