Modularized Instruction
Modularized instruction includes a variety of presentation for mats. Most commonly, the instruction is centered around a booklet which may contain readings, or refer to outside readings, and vides activities or exercises related to the readings. A module may also refer students to audio, visual, or computerized materials. Feed- back can be provided within the module (with model answers), or the instructor can act as a tutor or advisor, answering questions and responding to written work. Within a course, modules can be used to teach all objectives or provide remedial, enrichment, or optional learning activities. Modularized instruction is especially helpful in Courses where individuals differ greatly in their prior experience in the subject. It is commonly used in continuous intake programs where students may start at any time. Modularized instruction works best at the lower and middle levels of the cognitive domain and is useful in introducing concepts at the lower level of the affec- tive domain