Dear Parents,
It was nice that every new kids showed up on the first day of the first term! I understand how you both and your child feel. Some were excited, nervous, shy and overwhelmed. Well, it was the first and big day for them. But with constant reminder to the children that they are going to school plus you will come and pick them up soon will be very helpful for them to settle down the soonest.
Here are some of the English sentences and rules that we use in the classroom. It would be nice to talk to your children. Understanding the language of the classroom will definitely be very beneficial to the children.
good morning, sawadeeka, how are u?, hello! what happen, are you ok? goodbye, see you later, see you tomorrow have a nice weekend/holiday
PLEASE- eg. please help me, water please, more food please. THANK YOU, WELCOME IM SORRY- in case accidents happen or when a child hurt a friend EXCUSE ME-MAY I PLAY WITH YOU?
PLEASE TIDY UP - means put away the materials/toys in their proper shelves PLEASE STOP RUNNING- this is for inside the classroom, they can be bump into the shelves PLEASE STOP SNATCHING -no snatching of toys or things from friends PLEASE TRY YOUR FOOD- children have to at least try lunch food PLEASE MAKE A LINE- children will make a line before going in and out of the classroom PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS PLEASE BRUSH YOUR TEETH PLEASE GO TO THE TOILET PLEASE DO IT NICELY- whenever child will do something eg. no throwing of toys/materials and
materials, read books slowly PLEASE STOP HITTING/PUSHING - hitting is not acceptable and we explain to the children
time out when this happens.
Thank you.