reported that antisocial behavior and psychopathic traits were related to negative parenting (e.g., punitive punishment, negative parenting, poor supervision). Hence, harsh and erratic parenting impacted both psychopathy scales. Poor parental supervision predicted higher irresponsible-antisocial scores on the CL: Screening Version (PCL:SV), while minimal paternal involvement predicted higher interpersonal affective scores in males. Gender differences have also been reported in the level of parental monitoring and supervision, as some researchers have suggested that females may be looked after more than males. A review by Loeber et al. (2009) illustrated that children of parents with inconsistent parenting and disciplinary practices and/or poor communication with their child(ren) had increased levels of psychopathic traits. Further, “harsh and erratic discipline” in childhood was related to a future diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder.