This is Lauren from Etsy's Marketplace Integrity team. Thank you for your interest in selling on Etsy.
Based on a close review of your account information, we have determined your business does not meet Etsy's guidelines. As a result, your account has been closed.
To protect the marketplace, we are unable to disclose our internal review criteria. However, due to inconsistencies in your account, we have reason to believe that either your items or business are not in compliance with our guidelines or that your account will continue to accrue policy violations.
We ask that you please do not open any additional Etsy accounts; they will be closed immediately and without notice.
Regardless of your account status, you remain obligated to fulfill any open orders by shipping the items or issuing a full refund.
If you would like to contact your buyers directly, you can find their email address on the purchase notification email you received from Etsy or on your PayPal transaction receipt.
We recognize that your Etsy sales may represent a significant portion of your income and we're sorry we cannot continue our business relationship. We wish you the best in finding the appropriate venue for your items.