3-1. What level of understanding
processing is not necessary, a centralized network
would be adequate.
g. New York Stock Exchange. A local-area network can link the various brokers on the exchange floor. This
LAN can be linked to a centralized network that ties to-
gether the brokerage offices in the various cities.
h. A department store chain. A distributed network is necessary, since processing is performed in the individ-
ual stores.
i. A specialty retailer and supplier. A distributed net-
work is necessary, since processing is performed at the retail outlets.
are relevant to accounting? What other types of informa-
Note: Some of the
discussion questions
and problems require
knowledge of the material found in the appendixes to Chapter 3 on the
accompanying CD-ROM.
should accountants have con-
cerning information technology?
3-2. Do you think that Infoage's
accounting information system
is completely computerized?
Why or why not?
3-3. An owner of a small firm ar-
tion are available at the site?
3-5. What specific improvements in the reporting
process are most easily achieved when computers are
incorporated into an AIS?
3-6. Take this microcomputer and . . . Compute.rs re-
main user unfriendly. Why do you think this is true? Are they likely to become more user friendly?
gues that a computer system for her firm would never
pay for itself and that she would lose control over the
firm's operations to the computer. Discuss.
3-4. A notable Web site covering all aspects of in-
formation technology (IT) can be found at http://www.
datamation.com/. After logging-on to the site, browse
through the table of contents of the current issue of
Datamation magazine. Prepare a list of the articles fea-
tured in this issue. What articles in the issue do you feel
3-7. Contrast a communication network for a university
having a single campus with a communications network
for an automobile insurance firm having regional offices
and agents.
3-8. To what extent does the configuration of a commu-
nications network affect decision making? For instance,
does a centralized network require centralized decision