The COMPLETELY OVERKILL Pack is the first limited time paid DLC (excluding pre-order packs), and first DLC expansion for PAYDAY 2 to be entirely cosmetic, containing only four masks and a "secret reward", which Almir has confirmed to be cosmetic in nature [1]. It has been described by OVERKILL as a means to support the developers in their work on the Spring Break / Hype Train content. Like The OVERKILL Pack, the Completely OVERKILL Pack was released during the Spring Break Event.
The COMPLETELY OVERKILL Pack was available for $19.99 and contributed 14 gallons of hype fuel to the Hype Train event. It was only available during the Hype Train event up to a limit of 50,000 copies made available, all of which were sold before the conclusion of the event. It can no longer be purchased.