Quantitative real-time PCR analysis. RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis were
performed as the above described. The synthesized cDNAs were diluted 1 times in
RNase/DNase-free water. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis was carried out using
the CFX96TM Real-Time System (C1000TM Thermal Cycler, Bio-Rad). All reactions
were performed using the SYBRH Premix Go Taq II kit (Promega, China) in a 10 ml
total sample volume (5.0 ml 2 3 SYBR Premix Go Taq, 0.5 ml primers, 1.0 ml cDNA,
3.5 ml ddH2O). To remove the effect of genomic DNA and the template from
environment, NTC (no template control) and NRT (no reverse transcription control)
were performed. Three replications for each sample were used and standard curves
were run simultaneously. Melt curve analysis of qPCR samples revealed that there was
only one product for each gene primer reaction. The PCR products were sequenced to
confirm the specific amplification. SlCAC58 gene was used as internal standard in
tomato tissues. The primers SlFYFL(RT)-F and SlFYFL(RT)-R (Table S1) were used
to determine the expression level of SlFYFL in wild type and transgenic lines.