Implementing of the Proposed Framework
This section describes an application of the principles of sustainable development in one of Hungary‟s largest chemical companies. The Tiszai Vegyi Kombinat Public Limited Company (TVK) currently has 1097 employees and annual sales revenues of around 374584 million HUF.
The company makes ethylene and propylene by processing naphtha and gasoline as raw materials, and in addition supplies raw materials to domestic and foreign plastic
manufacturing companies throughout Europe. The reasons for the choice of this company in
particular are bound with:
(1) its size and significance within the country context;
(2) its existing concerns with social and environmental issues;
(3) its familiarity with the traditional BSC; and, finally,
(4) its accessibility and willingness to cooperate with the research project. Indeed,
TVK is one of Hungary‟s leading corporations and had been using the traditional BSC for over six years when initially contacted by the researchers regarding the development of the sustainability Scorecard. Meetings were held with top management, and the actual process of
developing and implementing of the SBSC was accompanied by the Head of the Department for Sustainable Development, which is responsible for the company‟s health and safety, insurance and environmental issues.