seems like i’m not the only one who notice the change in the way luhan treats xiumin these days…. the first time i noticed it was when i watched fancam videos of them from Jackie Chan’s birthday concert in China. Luhan was not like his usual self… he wasn’t as touchy feely towards xiumin as he had been. it was like 180 degree different from the way he acted around xiumin during and before exo’s showtime… it was just too different. it’s weird how they change so much in just 3 months. and the way he looked at minseok was not the same… something was missing…and that something is still missing. i really like Xiuhan, so it breaks my heart to see them like this. i was hoping that xiuhan would last forever, but seeing how things are going on between them right now, idk… i feel sad seeing xiumin now. seeing him losing his #1 best friend. it seems like xiumin is the type of person who really cherishes his closest ones, even though he may not be the type to express his feelings. and i can tell that xiumin really cherishes luhan. he really likes him as a friend. just like how he likes and cherishes dongwoo and N. and we all know how hard it feels when a friend that you really like ignores you, especially when that friend used to be so clingy. i don’t know if it’s okay to say this, but i feel like Xiumin is turning into ‘another Sehun’ for Luhan. it’s as if Luhan was finally bored playing with him. as if luhan eventually lost his interest towards him.