We would like to thank Beth Christensen, Annett Junginger, Kit
Opie, Robin Dunbar, Craig Feibel, Richard Leakey, Meave Leakey,
Rob Foley, Marta Lahr, Mark Thomas and Mark Collard for their
comments and support. We would also like to thank the reviewers
whose detailed comments greatly improved this paper. We would
like to thank the UCL Drawing Office (Department of Geography)
for compiling the figures.
AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank Beth Christensen, Annett Junginger, KitOpie, Robin Dunbar, Craig Feibel, Richard Leakey, Meave Leakey,Rob Foley, Marta Lahr, Mark Thomas and Mark Collard for theircomments and support. We would also like to thank the reviewerswhose detailed comments greatly improved this paper. We wouldlike to thank the UCL Drawing Office (Department of Geography)for compiling the figures.
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