Statements like these are heard in every sport and usually come from
the inexperienced. A warm-up should be beneficial and, like warming up
a car, should get the oil moving in the parts. It should be the first thing
one does after changing into workout clothes. A correctly instructed
warm-up should inspire the laziest gymnast and create a feeling of wellbeing
and confidence. It should also be interesting and fun. This is the
time to use all of the body, to encourage mobility and flexibility.
As with any physical activity, preparation is of great importance,
providing both a physical and mental stimulus. The warm-up in sports
acrobatics must awaken the zest for maximum effort in the workout and
should be continuous, without long pauses. Ideally it should peak just
before the end and the adrenalin should be flowing.
Length and format of the warm-up should be adjusted according
to the mood of the class. Sports acrobatics requires a lot more attention
to the individual than do most team sports. The warm-up, for individual
or class, should last about twenty minutes.
20 The ideal class size per coach is twelve to fifteen students. The
coach should call the students together and, after a brief on the objectives
of the lesson, lead the class into the warm-up. Music can energize the
laziest and a good 4/4 time beat should be introduced as soon as possible.
The same principles apply if it is an individual warm-up -- be
Statements like these are heard in every sport and usually come from
the inexperienced. A warm-up should be beneficial and, like warming up
a car, should get the oil moving in the parts. It should be the first thing
one does after changing into workout clothes. A correctly instructed
warm-up should inspire the laziest gymnast and create a feeling of wellbeing
and confidence. It should also be interesting and fun. This is the
time to use all of the body, to encourage mobility and flexibility.
As with any physical activity, preparation is of great importance,
providing both a physical and mental stimulus. The warm-up in sports
acrobatics must awaken the zest for maximum effort in the workout and
should be continuous, without long pauses. Ideally it should peak just
before the end and the adrenalin should be flowing.
Length and format of the warm-up should be adjusted according
to the mood of the class. Sports acrobatics requires a lot more attention
to the individual than do most team sports. The warm-up, for individual
or class, should last about twenty minutes.
20 The ideal class size per coach is twelve to fifteen students. The
coach should call the students together and, after a brief on the objectives
of the lesson, lead the class into the warm-up. Music can energize the
laziest and a good 4/4 time beat should be introduced as soon as possible.
The same principles apply if it is an individual warm-up -- be
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