In my first blog post about electronic cigarettes, I mentioned our first electronic cigarettes came from the 7-11 around the corner from our home. The brand they sell is ExhaleO2. Their starter kits sell for about $20 and include a charger, an atomizer, a battery, and several cartridges. Most electronic cigarettes have the same components.
The photograph above shows the Xhaleo2 atomizer. It screws directly into the battery on one end and the delicate mesh structure (it’s hard to see in this picture) on the other end of the atomizer is pushed into the cartridge where it comes in contact with the e-liquid (also known as e-juice). Its job is to convert the e-liquid into water vapor that is inhaled through the cartridge.
The atomizer is as essential as it is delicate, and cheap atomizers like the one above are fairly short-lived, but buying the Xhale02 reduces your initial investment so you don’t have to worry so much about breaking parts as you learn how to use them. We used the Xhaleo2 e-cigarette for about a month before moving on to a higher quality maker. Be prepared for some trial, error, and frustration.