Installation Flexibility: WLAN users can gain access
to the network without preparing the cable
With an explosive increase of internet application
and a further wireless security system requirement, the
network administrator will face more difficult challenge
in meeting the ever stringent security design. Securing a
wireless network is even more important than securing a
wired network for one simple reason: Accessing a
wireless network does not require physical access to a
network jack or cable, as does accessing a wired network.
[3], [4]. Wireless networks use radio transmissions to
carry data between end users and the network. Therefore,
it is possible for someone to sit in your office building's
lobby or parking lot to eavesdrop on wireless network
The answer to this problem is to use strong
encryption to protect data transmitted over a wireless
network and to use authentication to each one who would
like to use the wireless network. There are several
security schemes that can be used, namely Hidden SSID,
MAC Address Filtering, and WEP security protocols or
WPA/WPA2-PSK. However, these schemes also have
weaknesses and can be exploited.
In our proposed method to improve the wireless
security, we used two level securities. First we used the
integrated firewall with pfSense Captive Portal server as
enterprise which requires digital certificates for device
recognition process with the authentication server based
Installation Flexibility: WLAN users can gain accessto the network without preparing the cableinfrastructure.With an explosive increase of internet applicationand a further wireless security system requirement, thenetwork administrator will face more difficult challengein meeting the ever stringent security design. Securing awireless network is even more important than securing awired network for one simple reason: Accessing awireless network does not require physical access to anetwork jack or cable, as does accessing a wired network.[3], [4]. Wireless networks use radio transmissions tocarry data between end users and the network. Therefore,it is possible for someone to sit in your office building'slobby or parking lot to eavesdrop on wireless networkcommunications.The answer to this problem is to use strongencryption to protect data transmitted over a wirelessnetwork and to use authentication to each one who wouldlike to use the wireless network. There are severalsecurity schemes that can be used, namely Hidden SSID,MAC Address Filtering, and WEP security protocols orWPA/WPA2-PSK. However, these schemes also haveweaknesses and can be exploited.In our proposed method to improve the wirelesssecurity, we used two level securities. First we used theintegrated firewall with pfSense Captive Portal server asenterprise which requires digital certificates for devicerecognition process with the authentication server based
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