This study identifies present problems in South Korean cultural heritage management. It proposes improvements in heritage management procedures that are consistent with the characteristics of Korean cultural heritage and South Korean situations. To accomplish this goal, a new concept of cultural heritage management and a comprehensive cultural heritage management program are proposed for South Korea.
The first part of the study reviews characteristics of South Korea's cultural heritage and its present management. It begins by providing basic definitions of cultural heritage and cultural heritage management, and by reviewing the value of cultural heritage and the importance of cultural, heritage management. It also reviews cultural heritage management systems and programs from around the world to better understand the diversity of strategies that are being adopted to preserve cultural heritage. It then surveys cultural heritage management in South Korea today in terms of its history, current legislation, administration, and practice. Problems with these practices are outlined at the end of this part of the study.
The second part of the study proposes a variety of ideas aimed at improving the existing state of cultural heritage management in South Korea. A primary consideration is the improvement of the infrastructure of cultural heritage management practices. The focus is inventory and survey, legislation, designation, and the management of buried cultural properties. New approaches to cultural heritage sites management and cultural heritage collections management are then considered. The development of human resources for cultural heritage management is considered an especially important part of these new approaches. The study concludes by reviewing the relationship between the public and the preservation of cultural heritage. It proposes an increase in public participation in heritage management and an increase in heritage education in South Korea.