Sense Relations(oppositenessof Meaning)Individualpredicates(Antonymy)Whole sentences(contradictoriness)10
11. Contradictoriness A proposition is a CONTRADICTORY of anotherproposition if it is impossible for them both to betrue at the same time and of the samecircumstances. The definition can naturally be extended tosentences thus: a sentence expressing oneproposition is a contradictory of a sentenceexpressing another proposition if it is impossiblefor both propositions to be true at the same timeand of the same circumstances. Alternatively (and equivalently) a sentencecontradicts another sentence if it entails thenegation of the other sentence.11127e.g. 127
12. The Relationship betweenContradictoriness & Antonymy (&Incompatibility) Statement AGiven two sentences, both identical except that:(a) one contains a word X where the othercontains a word Y, and (b) X is an antonym of Y(or X is incompatible with Y), then the twosentences are contradictories of each other (i.e.contradict each other).• Does it work