The problem that pilot confronted is the problem that he never confronts before in his life. The aircraft had hit birds. This situation was called Bird Strike. As a result, the aircraft have lost thrust on both engines. So, it is the major consequence and judgment and creativity basic for solution in non-programmed decision. There are three alternative choices that he has to evaluate the probability for solving this problem in the condition of risk which are Laguardia Airport, Teterboro Airport, and Houston River. Pilot decided to choose Houston River to land because he had considered unlikely to fly to the Laguardia Airport in time, because of engine problems that make the aircraft slowed down suddenly. The pilot decided to change the landing at the Teterboro Airport. And also visible that would not get it in time as well. The pilot, looking forward he found the last alternative that might make everyone survived. He landed in the middle of the Houston River the place where is large enough to land, nearby area there are big ships and large the port harbor. It means that capable come to help quickly. Moreover, the pilot had to use all of his professional ability in their life landing the aircraft on the Houston River. And he had realized this is the best alternative way to save his life and his passengers.