In TCM, these issues arise mainly in the strategic asset planning processes (Chapter 3). For example,
starting in Section 3.1, customer and stakeholder needs and desires are elicited and requirements result
from analyzing this input. Among those needs and desires are subjective societal values. To simplify and
ensure consistency in the requirements elicitation and analysis process (and asset planning and investment
decision making later), many enterprises establish policy (i.e. decision policy) in regards to social values.
For example, enterprise policy may establish a requirement that all its facilities around the globe must meet
the most stringent environmental, health, and safety (EHS: Section 11.5) standards regardless of the value
the local citizens place on these social issues. An enterprise must also consider the policies of other
enterprises that it works with or establishes relationships with (partners, contractors, etc.). Such policies are
important considering that the cost to an enterprise for making a wrong social value judgment may be