The developed ACS is a closed-loop control system in which the information on qualitative indices of rice grains is acquired through sampling from the discharge section of the whitening machine. The performance of the machine is modified through comparing the actual condition with the set point. Block diagram of the developed ACS is shown in Fig. 1. In this system, first a certain amount of the product discharging from the whitening machine is sampled. Then, the sampled kernels are singulated and transferred to the imaging unit. In this unit, images of the samples are captured and the acquired information from image analysis is delivered to the processing and inference unit. The information fed into the processing unit is compared to previously prepared information which have been. Consequently, a command signal based on the result of inference is generated and sent to the operating parts in order to improve the machine performance. The developed ACS is comprised of two sections: hardware and software, the details of which are presented below.