Gestures and finger motions play an important role in our everyday actions: we use our hands to interact with the environment as well as to convey and emphasize information in conversations. Adding suchdetailstocomputergeneratedanimationscanthereforehelpto increasethenaturalness,credibilityandappealofvirtualcharacters. However, because of the complexity of the hand’s anatomy and the consequentialdifficultiesincapturingallitssubtlemovements, fin- germotionsareoftenomittedfromanimations ormanuallycreated by animators. Two main techniques are typically used to capture finger motions: datagloves or optical systems. In both cases, wires orsmallopticalmarkerslimitthecapturearea andconstraintheac- tions that can be captured. Therefore, hands and bodies are often captured during separate sessions and later spliced together.