Awwww silly sweetie. I don't have any girls love. You always think that sweetie. Will only be Alison and you ever for me honey. I liked your pics. from the water festival and your party pics. yummy. I will always love you Milky and always be your friend my Sexy, gorgeous, beautiful and stunning Thai Princess. How is your family love? I miss them, especially your Dad. I hope when i do return to Thailand that we can still be friends and have coffee, dinner, etc. promise me that you will finish your school and get a good job sweetheart. Love you too Milky always. Be safe my sweet beautiful friend>
Siempre vivira en mi corazon carino.
Means: You will always live in my heart sweetie.
Addio Amore Mio. Vivo Per Lei.
Ciao bellissima bella