Smart grid and DSM are familiear topics in electrical
engineeirng nowadays. In this paper, we have reviewed the
concept and techniques of DSM and cooperative DSM in smart
grids in detail. Various aspects of DSM implementation at
individual user level have been elaborated. New dimension
of the DSM is known as cooperative DSM or community
based DSM. This type of DSM has also been investigated at
reasonable depth. We have also compared both the approaches
of DSM in tabular form which is given as Table 1. The benefits
of community based DSM surpass the benefits of indvidual
DSM such as improved and efficient utilization of DERs.
With effcient utilization of DERs, consumers electricity bill
will reduce significantly. System stability will increase as the
peaks of the load will be curtailed and peak to average load
curve will be flattened. Chances of rebound effect will be
less as the central DSM controller will coordinate with the
indvidual houses and will abstain from sudden simultaneous
loading of the system by the entire community. With efficient
use of DERs, more energy will be utilized from RES and
peaking plants will be less in use and as a result carbon
emissions will reduce. As typically in conventional power grid,
if one of the generating stations fails, the domino effect can
collapse the entire system [1]. Smart grid and community
based DSM can help avoiding such situations. As given in
[29] a community coalition can improve the social linkage of
people. So implementation of community based power sharing
and optimization system can increase the communal harmony.
A few limitations of the community based optimization are
technical difficulties in implementation of this techniques and
data privacy issues of the consumers, as energy consumption
data from all the smart homes will be transferred to central
DSM controller