Like all models, EMOCON is oversimplified in many ways. There are many other relevant brain
areas—for example, the hippocampus, which plays a major role in memory and interpreting situations
in the context of previous experience. Figure 5.2 might be taken to suggest that the brain is a kind of
passive observer, waiting for sensory information to come in to be interpreted. But brains are much
more active, anticipating situations in ways that can lead to action. Chapter 6 will say much more
about how emotions contribute to decisions about how to act. We have already seen, in chapter 4, that
perception is a top-down as well as bottom-up process, so even processing of sensory information in
the thalamus is affected by expectations stored in the prefrontal cortex. Hence figure 5.2 should not be
interpreted as maintaining that emotions are just responses to stimuli, but rather as showing a
simplified part of more complex thought processes that include expectations and actions.