Photo Travel Division (Projected Image) : A Photo Travel image must express the
feeling of a time and place, and portray a land, its distinctive features or culture
in its natural state. There are no geographical limitations. Close-up pictures of
people or objects must include distinguishable environment. Techniques that
add to, relocate, replace or remove any element of the original image, except by
cropping, are not permitted. All adjustments must appear natural. Conversion
to full monochrome is acceptable. Derivations, including infrared, are unacceptable.
Nature Division (Projected Image) : Nature photography is restricted to the use
of the photographic process to depict observations from all branches of natural
history, except anthropology and archeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed
person will be able to identify the subject material and to certify as to its honest
presentation. The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than
the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. Human elements
shall not be present, except where those human elements enhance the nature story.
The presence of scientific bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals
is permissible. Photographs of artificially produced hybrid plants or animals,
mounted specimens or obviously set arrangements, are ineligible, as is any form
of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement. No techniques
that add to, relocate, replace, or remove pictorial elements except by cropping are
permitted. Techniques that enhance the presentation of the photograph without
changing the nature story or the pictorial content are permitted. All adjustments
must appear natural. Color images can be converted to grayscale monochrome.
Infrared images are not allowed.