At longer L-Band wavelengths, the model was well calibrated for corn using any of the three linear polarizations (R values of 0.91 (HH),0.88 (VV) and 0.93 (HV)). Correlations were most likely higher at LBand relative to C-Band given the ability of this longer wavelength to penetrate further into the canopy. Deeper penetration means that Lband microwaves interact with a larger volume of the corn canopy.The reverse was observed for soybeans. For this lower biomass crop, a longer wavelength may not be advantageous as greater direct soil and canopy–soil (or soil–canopy) interactions are present. Given these interactions,correlations at L-Band were lower (R values of 0.24 (HH),0.31 (VV) and 0.37 (HV)).