To say that table manners in some of the countries in southeast asia are different from ours, would be a huge understatement. If you are one of those really picky people that can't stand bad table manners (whatever "bad table manners" means in western civilization) then brace yourself for these few examples:
It's totally accepted to eat with your mouth open and even speak with your mouth full of food.
It is also standard practice to release a loud and long burp after a meal, which signifies that the food was to your complete satisfaction.
The table is THE place to use toilet paper in some of the countries, that's right, toilet paper is used as napkins on the table.
And lastly, it is customary for people to eat chicken or fish and spit out the bones on the floor, so that trash won't remain in the house since the table is usually set outdoors, mostly in rural areas ( though this practice can be seen in city restauraurants and weddings). Also, sometimes chickens and dogs can give the bones one last go.