Stommel et al. [1] demonstratedthat the structures called“salt fingers” appear in the
system, containing hot salt water resting on coldfresh water. The typical “salt finger”
works as a pipe pumping fluid up and down. Along these “salt fingers” columns, salty
water descends down, intersperses and exchanges heat with a similar array of fresh cold
water that is liftedup. The rate of heat exchange exceeds the rate of salt exchange
due to the diference between their difusivities. It is considered to be a very efective
mechanism of convection.
The same consideration can be applied, for example, to the system containing salt and
sugar, just as in these cases salt plays the role of temperature, and sugar corresponds
to salt in the above-mentionedsystem.
It is the purpose of the present paper to report the result of a series of exploratory
laboratory experiments in which the “salt fingers” in the double-difusive systems have
been studied.
In Section 2, we discuss a theory for the formation of the “salt fingers”. The results
of the measurements are representedin Section 3 andd iscussedin Section 4.