magnetic field and then rinsed and dried in a vacuum oven for 24 h at
70 °C. The synthesized nanoparticles (with a diameter of 70 nm) were
dispersed in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (75 wt.%) solvent by ultrasound
waves. Polysulfone resins and the polyethylene glycol additive
(25 wt.% collectivelywere) added gradually to the solution under ultrasonic waves at 70 °C After ensuring that the casting solution was homogeneous it was dragged on a clean glass plate by a 350 μm casting
knife and was exposed to forced evaporation for 30s. Then, it was
immersed in a water coagulation bath for 24 h at 25 °C and finally the
membrane was formedThe fabricated membranes have thickness
about 200–230 μm after phase inversionThere were several parameers affecting the membrane formation through the phase inversion
method. In this research, based on previous studies, the solvent concentration and PEG molecular weight were assumed 75 wt.% [29] and
20,000 Da [39], respectively. In addition, the only variables were polymer and nanoparticle concentrations. Based on these assumptions,
nine different membranes were synthesized and their functions were