Green House Experiment
Two-week old tomato seedlings were transplanted into 24cm-diameter pots. Each pot contained sterile vermiculite, peat, and perlite in the ratio 3:4:1. At 5 weeks, the different treatments with Bacillus isolates were applied as outlined in the experimental design using 4 trials (each trial comprised of 120 plants) for each of the Bacillus isolates, a negative control with no F. solani and a positive control with inoculation of F. solani. Plants were watered daily in the green house at 25°C at 60-90% relative humidity for 10 weeks. At the end of 10 weeks, samples were harvested to assess the effect of the various Bacillus isolates on the different growth parameters. Significant difference was assessed from the mean of each of the different treatments. The experiment was repeated twice.
The growth parameters assessed include: length of shoot and root length and randomly
selected seedlings were used to determine each parameter per treatment.