Relic Cards
Relic cards represent unique and powerful items in
the campaign. These items can be acquired by either
the hero players or the overlord player.
Overlord Cards
The overlord player uses these cards to
perform various abilities, such as benefiting
monsters or springing a trap on the heroes.
There are both basic Overlord cards, which
the overlord player begins the game with, as
well as upgrade cards, which he can purchase
with experience points when playing the campaign.
Monster Cards
These cards list all the information for the
different monsters in the game. The face
of the card shows the monster’s important
characteristics and abilities, while the back
of the card lists detailed rules for all the
monster’s abilities as well as the number of
figures used based on the number of heroes
in the game. Each monster has both an Act I
card and an Act II card.
Lieutenant Cards
Similar to the Monster cards, these cards list
the information of the overlord’s powerful
allies known as lieutenants. Each lieutenant
has both an Act I card and an Act II card.
Travel Event Cards
During campaign play, these cards determine
if there is an event for the heroes while they
Activation Cards
These cards list a summary of the hero and
overlord turns, and they mark which heroes
have completed their turn. There are four
different colors of these cards and each color
corresponds to a color of hero token.
Map Tiles
These puzzle-cut tiles represent
different locations heroes explore
during the game. Each quest has a
unique layout that uses different
combinations of map tiles. All map
tiles are double-sided, with one side
showing an indoor location and
the other side showing an outdoor