The Research on Technology of Periodic Stopping of Central
Air Conditioning Based on Modelling and Simulation of
Demand Response
Recent years, the strain of electricity supplying
becomes more and more serious, especially in the period of
summer electricity peak load. The huge increasing of air
conditioning is one of the main reason related to the
climbing peak load, so doing research on how to reduce
central air conditioning load rationally and effectively has
significance towards releasing the conflict between
electricity supplying and demanding in the period of peak
load. There are three main measures to deal with air
conditioning load, first one is ameliorating equipments and
using air conditioning which is more effective and saving
energy, second one is using ice storage air conditioning to
stagger power consumption, third one is pushing the
technology of periodic stopping of central air conditioning.
Practice has proved that application of the first two
measures hasn't achieved success abroad because of large
investment of equipments and long payback period of
investment, however, the third one lacks of feasibility
analysis of foundation because of its systematization and
complexity. This paper designs a experimental scheme of
periodic stopping of central air conditioning in office
buildings and central business district. Establishing
research strategy to the following questions included
forecasting air conditioning load, grouping air conditioning
units and setting the space of periodic stopping. A
controlling mode of air conditioning units which can
exchange information between electricity supplying side and
demanding side and the operation procedure of optimizing
experimental scheme based on uses' feedback are designed.
Then, analyzing and evaluating the influence of cooling
quality, the impact of reducing peak load through
establishing the model of demand response. At last,
simulating the experimental scheme and doing further
discussion about the result.
The Research on Technology of Periodic Stopping of CentralAir Conditioning Based on Modelling and Simulation ofDemand Response Recent years, the strain of electricity supplyingbecomes more and more serious, especially in the period ofsummer electricity peak load. The huge increasing of airconditioning is one of the main reason related to theclimbing peak load, so doing research on how to reducecentral air conditioning load rationally and effectively hassignificance towards releasing the conflict betweenelectricity supplying and demanding in the period of peakload. There are three main measures to deal with airconditioning load, first one is ameliorating equipments andusing air conditioning which is more effective and savingenergy, second one is using ice storage air conditioning tostagger power consumption, third one is pushing thetechnology of periodic stopping of central air conditioning.Practice has proved that application of the first twomeasures hasn't achieved success abroad because of largeinvestment of equipments and long payback period ofinvestment, however, the third one lacks of feasibilityanalysis of foundation because of its systematization andcomplexity. This paper designs a experimental scheme ofperiodic stopping of central air conditioning in officebuildings and central business district. Establishingresearch strategy to the following questions includedforecasting air conditioning load, grouping air conditioningunits and setting the space of periodic stopping. A
controlling mode of air conditioning units which can
exchange information between electricity supplying side and
demanding side and the operation procedure of optimizing
experimental scheme based on uses' feedback are designed.
Then, analyzing and evaluating the influence of cooling
quality, the impact of reducing peak load through
establishing the model of demand response. At last,
simulating the experimental scheme and doing further
discussion about the result.
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