in the public catalog See references direct the user from unpreferred or unustahlished terms and phrases to the preferred or established terms that are used as subject heading Under most heading in the Sears List, following the UF [Used for] label, is one or more suggested terms for See references in the public catalog. A cataloger may want to use some or all of them as references, and many catalogers add other see references they deem theory there is no limit to the number of see references to a particular term,but in practice there may well be,especially in a card catalog. The references will be more useful if the cataloger considers materials from the reader's point of view. The reader's profile depends on age, background, education occupation and geographical location, and takes into account the type of library, such as school,public, university, or special. Instructional materials centers requires a reference from School media centers. The second part of compound headings, For example, Antique and vintage motorcycles requires a reference from Vintage motorcycles. The inverted form of a heading, either an adjective-noun combination or a phrase heading, especially if the word brought forward is not also the broader term For example, Theory of knowledge requires a reference from knowledge, Theory of there being no heading Knowledge, Variant spellings. For example, Archeology requires a reference from Ar 5) The opposite of a term, when it is included in the meaning of a term without being specifically mentioned. For example, school attendance requires a reference from Absence from school and from Absenteeism (Schools), and Equality requires a reference from Inequality. 6) The former forms of headings revised to reflect common usage, when the older term still has any currency. For example, Negroes remains as a reference to Blacks and to African Americans, but Dinosauria is no longer retained as a reference Dinosaurs The first time a heading fram the List is assigned to a work in the collection, the terms n the UE field in the List are entered, at the cataloger's discretion, as See references in the public catalog. heading is subsequently assigned to other works, the references are already in place. When the cataloger adds a heading to the authority file as needed, all the appropriate see references are entered as well the first time the heading is used For the heading College students Alcohol use, for example, suitable see references might be Campus drink- ing. College drinking. and Drinking on campus